Kady Brown Interiors Featured in Redfin Mindfulness Home Design 2022

Expert Tips to Inspire Mindfulness at Home

The best kind of design is the kind that appeals to all your senses and enhances your wellbeing.

I was recently asked by @redfinrealestate to share a piece of advice for inspiring mindfulness at home so I shared something that I do all the time. One of my tried and true tips is to declutter and organize your home. Having spaces that are free of clutter can lead to a greater state of calm and an overall better sense of well-being.

This is just one way to create a mindful environment at home. To help us all get a jumpstart on mindful living Redfin rounded up tips from other design experts that you can easily implement at home. Click the link for the full article Mindfulness Home Design 2022: Expert Tips to Inspire Mindfulness at Home

Kady Brown